Monday, March 2, 2009


This is the beginning of our new blog that we pray will be a blessing to those who take the time to visit. Each of us long to sit and chat on our front porches with a glass of lemonade as generations before us did, but finding time to connect with one another is difficult with our fast paced world; therefore, it was decided that it would be fun to "connect" from our "front porches" via blog world.
Welcome. Come on in and sit for a long or short chat and discover the lives of other women in our church family. Leave a sweet comment and encourage one another.
Enjoy your time here and come back for a visit.


  1. I think this is a great idea! I look forward to meeting more people through this.

  2. Thanks Brandy. We are enjoying getting to know you and your family. Hope you enjoy!

  3. This is pretty cool. I was wondering if there are any ladies who would be interested in walking the track at church? I need a walking buddy to keep me in line...LOL
